ANCIENT MACEDONIA and a modern map



What the original Macedonians called "Makedonia":

The Upper Macedonian cantons: Elimiotis, Orestis, Eordaea, Lyncus, Pelagonia, Paeonia.

And the Lower Macedonian cantons: Pieria, Bottiaea, Almopia, Crestonia, Mygdonia, Anthemus. 

You may click here to return to the original OCD entry on the cantons. 



`` MODERN DAY ````````##``````````````````````````````````````````````
`` YUGOSLAVIA ```````##```````````````````````````````````````````````
```````````````#######``````````````````````````` MODERN DAY `````````
###````#########`````###`````````````````````````  BULGARIA  `````````
`` MODERN DAY `````````````````####```````````````````````````````````
``   FYROM    ````````````````````#```````````````````````````````````
```````````````````````Paeonia ####################`````````````````##
``````````````````````::::::: <#> ::::::::: <\ ```````````````````````
``````::::::````###############::::::::::::: \> ```` MODERN DAY ``````
``Pelagonia ::###::::::::::::::::: Crestonia :::````   GREECE   `` __`
##``::::::: ###::: Almopia ::::::::::::::::::::: `````````````____/  \
`############ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: _`_``` ___/         
##`` ::::::::_ :::::::::: Bottiaea :: Mygdonia : _/ ' \__/           []
``` Lyncus :// :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::<_            Island        
#``::::::: </::::::::::::,-,_,____/\ :: <> : <> ::\_          of Thasos     
#`:::::::: Eordaea ::::::\         _<``Anthemus ```_)               
` <> :::::::::::::::::::::`-,     |_`````````````` \__                 
` Orestis ::::::::::: Pieria \     \__ `````````` ___ \                
``:::::::: Elimiotis ::::::::/         \__` ___` <   \ \              
```:::::::::::::::::::::::::/  Thermaic   )(__ \_ \   \ \             
``````:::::::: <Mt.Olympus>/   Gulf       \__ \  \ \   \/             
``````````````````````````|                  \ }  \_|                  
``````````````````````````|                   "                       
``````````````````````````\                                  Aegean Sea               



© Based on the ASCII-map provided by A.Romanos. Used here with permission.